Welcome to PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera
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Join Hasratanda Sejahtera to increase your potential and achieve success working abroad.
About Hasratanda Sejahtera
PT Hasratanda Sejahtera (PT HS) was established in 1992, recruiting and training Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) to work in Asia and Europe. With 31 years of experience, we are committed to being a procedural, fast, and responsible P3MI.
Why are we the right choice?
Established since 1992
Has been officially licensed
Professional and experienced staff
Trusted overseas agency to find suitable work
The TKI placement process is in accordance with applicable government regulations
Have qualified PMIs that meet the criteria
Start your journey now with these steps!
Select Country
Choose the country where you want to work
Select the Job
Choose a job that suits you
Fill out the form
Isi dan lengkapi formulir yang telah kami sediakan
We will contact you within 3x24 hours
Success Stories with Us
I would like to thank PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera can send me back to Taiwan with a fast process and of course the company has guaranteed permits from the government.
Rani Rizki Chairani
My experience with being a CPMI at PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera is truly impressive. I gained a lot of knowledge and lessons from this process so that I was able to work in Taiwan and get a good employer, thanks to PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera, hopefully you will always be prosperous
Siti Layung Sari
Hong kong
My experience with the CPMI program was truly impressive. They not only helped me find a job that suited my educational background and experience, but also provided practical guidance on daily life in Hong Kong. I am very happy with the steps I took and thank PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera for all the help
Dewi Masita
I can't say enough about how valuable the help of a PT is. Hasratanda Sejahtera to me. They not only helped me prepare documents and interviews, but also gave valuable advice on adapting to the culture and work environment in Hong Kong. PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera is the company in my international career journey
Wiwin Komalasari
Thank you to PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera can help me to return to work in Taiwan quickly
The decision to go to work abroad through the CPMI program was one of the best decisions in my life. I managed to pass all the selection and preparation stages smoothly. Upon arrival in Singapore, I now work as a housemaid, and I feel helped by PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera, once again thank you to PT. Hasratanda Prosperous
Kantor nya luas, staff nya juga ramah dan baik, guru bahasa nya juga ok bangett deh
Ini pengalaman saya proses ke luar negeri melalui PT. HS, dan sangat berkesan karna proses dan pelayanan nya memang the best
Rani Rizki Chairani
Berkat PT. HS dengan proses yang cepat dan aman saya bisa berangkat ke Hong Kong dan mendapatkan majikan yang baik banget, sekali lagi terima kasih PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera sukses selalu
Siti Layung Sari
Terima kasih PT. Hasratanda sudah saya bisa berangkat lagi ke Hong Kong bertemu dengan majikan lama saya. Semoga kedepan nya semakin maju dan sukses selalu
Dewi Masita
Untuk proses yang cepat memang itu sudah tidak diragukan lagi buat PT. HS ini
Wiwin Komalasari
Keputusan saya sudah tepat daftar dan proses di PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera, karna super cepat dan sangat mempermudah saya buat kerja di Singapura
Terima Kasih sudah melatih kerja dan mengajarkan bahasa mandarin ke saya sampai saya bisa bekerja di Taiwan
Alhamdulillah, saya bisa membangun bisnis di indonesia dengan modal bekerja ke Taiwan melalui PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera yang proses nya cepat, Semoga selalu maju selalu untuk PT. Hasratanda Sejahtera